
The 2024 NRL footy season kicks off on the 3rd of March. We again invite the extended family, to The Grumpy Granny Footy Tipping Competition. It’s all online and totally free. It’s open to all of Christine’s children (and their partners) and grandchildren and, since Paul doesn’t have any kids, a handful of people he invites.



  • 1st: $150; 2nd: $100; 3rd: $50; Last: $20
  • Round Prize Jackpot ($10 per round, up to Round 27).
    You win the Round prize by being the only person to tip* a  perfect round. *see rules below
    If nobody, or more than one person, tips a perfect round, the Round prize jackpots by $10 to the next round. Each time the Round prize is won, it resets to $10 again for the next round.
    If not won in round 27, the Round 27 jackpot (whatever it may be) will be awarded by random draw.
  • Knockout Competition ($10 per round, up to Round 27).
    Each round, pick one team you think will win their game. If your team wins you continue to the next round, if they lose you’re out. Last person standing wins. So, if you’re last person standing after 5 rounds, you’ll win $50; if you’re last person standing after 10 rounds, you’ll win $100. Once the knockout prize is won, all players get reinstated, and the knockout comp starts again at $10. If necessary, the knockout comp will continue into the finals to find a winner but the prize stops increasing at Round 27.
    If all of the remaining players in any round get knocked out, the knockout prize will be shared equally among them, and the knockout comp will start again at $10 with all players reinstated. If the knockout comp gets down to two players there will only be a single round to decide a winner. If both of those players pick a winning team in the next round, the knockout prize will be shared between them, and the knockout comp will start again at $10 with all players reinstated.
  • Margin Prize Jackpot ($10 per round, up to Round 27).
    Each round there will be one game (usually the first game of the round) where you enter what you think will be the winning margin for that game. You win the Margin prize by being the only person in a round to correctly tip* the winning team and margin. This will show up on itipfooty as a margin score of 0 for the round. *see rules below
    If nobody, or more than one person, picks the winning team and margin, the Margin prize jackpots by $10 to the next round. Each time the Margin prize is won, it resets to $10 for the next round. If not won in Round 27, the Round 27 Margin jackpot (whatever it may be) will be awarded by random draw.